Summer Soccer Term 1 2025
WEEK 6 Fixtures are now live
The Programme will be extended another week to Tue 1st April
Welbourn Skyhawks (9th)
Vogeltown United (11th)
Please ensure all players wear flat-soled trainers or runners - no studs, cleats or sprigs. Thank you.
General Rules:
5 players on the field at one time
10 minutes each way - 1 minute half time break
Games will start on time by air horn. Half time and full time.
Only the goal keeper is allowed in the "D" (goal area)
Goal kick must touch ground before half way
Throw-ins will be a kick in
No offsides
All other football rules apply (i.e) No hand to ball..... etc
Rolling subs
Teams to supply referee for half a game each
No boots are to be worn - turf shoes or runners are acceptable
Shin pads must be worn
Other points to note:
BBQ with sausages, chips available plus shop with refreshments
Please remind kids not to swing on the goals and keep out of the bushes!
Please remind children not to kick or dig holes in turf
Please help with putting away goals and return balls after the last game
Click the link for the most recent Summer Soccer draw >