The 2023 season is upon us and we are looking forward to an exciting season.  We have reentered the Men's Central Federation League again and will be compiling the best players from the region to represent the club and Taranaki whilst also compiling keen young players to be the development team in the prem league.  We also have 4 social teams throughout the local divisions. 

Subs are $275 for the season which covers the NZ Football fees, the Central Football fees, after match food, equipment, uniforms, administration and ground hire.  Please talk to us if you would like to play but financially would struggle with the cost.  Money should never be the reason someone cant play football so we will look at solutions. Discounted subs for those selected in the Federation team due to the personal time commitment involved.

Please register on the form below and we will be in touch.

The Men's Federation team and the development team will start pre season on the 24th of January at Merrilands Domain.